Program Introduction

The University of Maryland’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, with support from the National Science Foundation is offering exciting research opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students in the broad area of electrical engineering internationally. The Electrified and Autonomous Transportation program combines cutting-edge, team-based research with technical and educational seminars. This program annually recruits talented students (both graduate and undergraduate students), trains them in basic research, and provides laboratory experience in challenging projects performed internationally with research mentors from Istanbul Technical University in Turkey and the University of Maryland at College Park (UMD).

Please apply through the A. James Clark School of Engineering IRES Summer 2023 application found at:

Purpose of Electrified and Autonomous Transportation

  • Provide international opportunities for participants to present and publish their work with their mentors.
  • Involve talented students in a diverse research program.
  • Introduce students to team-based and cross-disciplinary research.
  • Help students prepare for graduate school and define career goals.

ELECTRIFIED AND AUTONOMOUS TRANSPORTATION students receive a $5,000 stipend for their 8-week program, along with housing in Istanbul, Turkey and travel expenses (Round-trip to Istanbul, Turkey).

Research Projects

Research projects are provided in more detail HERE.